
Showing posts from January, 2018

My View on Social Media Influencers' Ways of 'Spreading Awareness'.

Assalamualaikum everyone. Today, there's something that I'd like to point out; I don’t believe in compromising what Allah has clearly stated as wrong.  He’s our creator.  He KNOWS what’s best for us sebab Allah Maha Mengetahui.  Dalam Islam pun, there are certain instances where something 'haram' changes to 'harus', like when the only food available is khinzir and you’re about to die if you don’t eat anything. Even in this case, Islamic scholars have a thorough debate because menukar hukum isn’t something that should be taken lightly. So, who are we to so easily use our emotions and logic to dictate what Islam says right or wrong, when even the pros are having a hard time doing so? But then, I do want to point out that yes, we can have discussions to enhance our knowledge, because that creates awareness, but please be mindful of how you reply to comments and do refrain yourself from spreading hatred and giving out malicious ideas. Please keep yo