
Showing posts from November, 2014

2 Things I Hate the Most in Romance Novels.

Assalamualaikum. Let's talk about books today, shall we... Reading has always been one of my favourite hobbies. I'm a romantic. I can't deny that. So, my reading preferences would usually be from the romance section. However, there are a few things that kind of bugs me when reading a book and could eventually kill my mood of wanting to finish reading it. What is it? Well... 1. Weak heroin characters. I'm not a feminist, but I believe that in relationships, being firm and strong shouldn't only be applied by guys, but also girls. I hate it when the female characters in a book are; Too Forgiving For example, when her boyfriend a.k.a. the main character, practically cheated on her, he's easily forgiven due to the fact that 'she loves him too much' and 'everyone makes mistakes'. Yeah, I know second chances should be made available, but not in the span of A WEEK! He cheated on you! Too Clueless Oh my God.  Please don't

Writer's block. Now I get it.

Assalamualaikum. I'm now going through a state where people refer as 'Writer's block'. What is it? Mr. Wikipedia said that; Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. Oooo.. Now I get it why some people stop writing all of a sudden. Your mind is completely BLANK. You've got nothing to say or write. So, I should stop now to go clear my head and gain some 'intelectual' ideas. Ok, bye. Salam.

The answer would be NO.

Assalamualaikum..  Yesterday, Malaysia was blew off with the news of  "Court Victory for Transgender Rights". What I think? This country is encountering a downfall. I'm not going to be a hypocrite by saying that the Islamic ways the Malaysian society practices is the best, but I expected more than this c*ap. I'm not that pious. I know. I'm far from it. But then, I know when something isn't right and this is one of it. Islam is a way of life, so Allah has made His rules perfect for us. No one could ever deny that. However brilliant you are, however perfect you are, you're not God. So, if you expect me to be one of those who accepts this just because the court says so, then, you're dead wrong. The transgenders want their 'freedom of expression' and 'rights to voice out'? Take it, but don't expect me to agree with you. You have the right to believe in whatever you want. That won'

Once Upon a Loser.

Assalamualaikum.. Since I'm now 20, that means that I had already went through a few different stages in my life; being a child, going through puberty and being a teenager, and lastly new-adult.  Well, I still think I'm a teen, but that's not the point. This post is a rant. Meaning of rant; 1. A loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion 2. Pompous or pretentious talk or writing A rant of my life during my dark phase, my early teenage life. Somewhere in between me changing high schools. (I kind of transferred A LOT back then, so you guess which.. ^^). To me, this memory was kind of interesting  and worth-remembering. Then, I thought, "I should write it down some where!" So, why not here? Ok, once upon a time, I was literally a cipher, a nonentity, a nobody..  You know? That awkward introvert kid who's only friends with like 3 people and nobody actually bothers to know about..? I was that kid. Some of

How Allah makes me remember Him.

Assalamualaikum. I'm sick. I mean, really sick. Ok, not the deathlike kind of sickness (like Ebola or SARS), but the kind where the thought of getting-up from bed makes you moan out of distaste. Pounding head, stuffed nose, sore throat, not having the appetite to eat, all grumpy and bitchy. Yeah, you get it. I'm sick and I'm not liking it. Well, on second thought, this sickness kinds of makes me think about my wrongdoings. I confess that I'm not the best person to be around this past few days. Well, being bored for over months and months of 'school-break' is kind of getting to me. Going back to the point. I'm not sure about you guys, but I believe that going through sickness actually makes me to be a better person. I believe this because every time I'm sick or going through some sort of weakness (failing a test, getting heartbroken, feeling lonely, ect, ect, ect..), the one thing that comes to mind is how