
Showing posts from October, 2014

Make yourself the priority.

Assalamualaikum. Sometimes in life, we believe that the best way to live is by being the person everyone expects you to be. Sometimes, you expect too much from yourself. You push yourself too much in becoming a person that you don't even like. You tend to forget that your identity itself is enough to make you and the people around you happy. Let's stop following that one person you wish to be and start being the person you actually want to be for a change. Make yourself the priority. Make sure you're happy first, then, the others. Why? Because you're worth it.

My Top 8 Favourite Acronyms

Assalamualaikum.. Besides the usual WTF, OMG, ect, ect, ect, there are a few that kind of caught my eyes and they are...... 1. BAE  Meaning : Before Anyone Else No. It's not a ghetto word for 'babe'. 2. LYLAB/ LYLAS Meaning : Love You Like A Brother/ Love You Like A Sister A way to put your friends in their place...  3. STBY Meaning : Sucks To Be You You know, when you're not sorry for them but don't wanna be rude for not leaving a comment... 4. LOL/ LMAO  Meaning : Laughing Out Loud/ Laughing My Ass Off The ones you use when it's not funny at all..! And you're sitting there like 'LOL'.... 5. BTW Meaning : By The Way/ Bring The Wheelchair Did you know about the second meaning? Me too! Well, now you can go to the elderly shelters and be all like BTW, BTW! 6.  DILLIGAS Meaning : Do I Look Like I Give A Sh** Yeah, the word is tooo long to type......

Top 10 Crazy Things On My Bucket List

Assalamualaikum.. For those who don't know about this term, a bucket list is a list of things you want to achieve in your life with a specific time goal, for example, before you're 30 or before you die. In this list, I'd like to achieve it before I die. Let's get real guys, not everything is achievable at a young age.. 1. Try bungee jumping 2. Go scuba diving/ snorkeling 3. Horseback riding! 4. Do volunteer/ charity work Well, like volunteering in an old folks home, or even better, go to places like Cambodia! 5. Fly in a hot-air balloon Gosh, that would be so much fun! 6. Go skiing! 7. Travel around the world Okay, maybe not EVERYWHERE, let's be realistic, but I'd like to try most of it. Now, let's start saving! 8. Drive a snow-mobile 9. Ride a helicopter. Having a soldier or even better, a super-rich guy as a husband might help but hey, a girl can dream! 10. Rid


Assalamualaikum.. This post will contain both English and Malay languages, so sorry to language-lovers out there.. I'm just trying to send my point across.. One more, this is a rant, so I don't think there'll be any pictures.. I don't have time for that! Okay, moving on.. As a girl/woman/chick, susah sebenarnya nak jawab bila orang tanya pasal bermadu ni.. Ye laa, perempuan mana yang rela berkongsi..? Baik macam mana sekalipun dia, hati tu mesti terusik jugak walaupun sikit sebab rasa yang diri ni tak cukup sempurna di mata sang suami sampai dia terpaksa cari yang lain.. Tak kisah lah sebab apa pun (zuriat, mertua, tangkap basah, fitnah), you still have to SHARE your husband with another woman.. But then, yang jadi masalahnya bila kita luahkan perasaan tentang bab bermadu ni, ada suara2 belakang yang lantang menyuarakan pendapat bahawa wanita2 yang tak suka bermadu ni menolak hukum agama.. Apa kau pernah rasa berkongsi? Pernah rasa ya

The irony in my society (Dogs vs. Boyfriends)

Assalamualaikum..  This is a view from a Muslim girl.. What a Muslim thinks towards another Muslim.. This post maybe a bit controversial, but please open your mind and think of what I'm about to say.. Just please. I think the society I live in is full of irony, and one of it is related to these creatures... Some people strive with their belief that dogs and pigs are so untouchable and (maybe) disgusting to them that those who do were severely criticized and scrutinized. Meanwhile, the same group of people fail to notice the fact that touching these animals aren't even a sin. In lieu, it's just considered unhygienic and the actor/doer/whatever were only required to perform 'Samak' (I'm not sure what it is in English). The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), said: "Purifying a container that a dog has licked (in order for humans to use it) is done by washing it seven times, the first washing being with dirt.” [Muslim].  In

You just need to shut up.

Assalamualaikum.. Sometimes in life, you need to let go. You're not always right, Hear out other people's opinions. You need to start listening to people. Don't expect people to listen to you all the time when you're not even there for them when you're needed. You know what? Let's all become toilets! The main thing is, sometimes, you just need to shut up and start hearing people out.

Top 3 things that will forever DISGUST me!

Assalamualaikum... 1. RATS I would physically cry if these even come near me!  Anyone with a death wish or hoping to NOT be acknowledged by me ever again, do come to me with these. 2. COCKROACHES Another disgusting creature that is EVERYWHERE!  I swear these revolting-crawling things chases me every single time it sees me! I literally tremble if it comes into contact with any part of my body! 3. PEOPLE THAT SPITS EVERYWHERE See? GROSS! Yeah, let's spit all over the sidewalk. Aww, it's okay, the passerby-s wouldn't mind stepping on your germs! Sometimes in life, there are some things that you'll never be able to bear, and to me, these are some of it. Well.... So, I think that's it from me. Till next time! Assalamualaikum...

Feeling exhausted with life?

Assalamualaikum.. Being on a looong holiday does not feel that good.  Well, maybe at first, but right after that first awesome week, you'll already be bored out of your mind! So, since I had Unifi at home, the power of the internet made me think, "Why don't I achieve something everyday?". As days had passed by, there are a few achievements that are up above the others, such as.... 1. I made myself a handmade baju kurung and a few 'jubahs'! ( meaning like you make it yourself with all the sewing and buying clothes and needles what-so-ever) 2. I learnt how to bake an awesome Apple Crumble Pie and it tastes incredible. No, you may not have one.   3. I managed to make myself a handmade darling totebag! Oh my God! I loved it! I learnt it on Pin-interest. You know, the DIY stuff. My tote bag was made out of my favourite shirt (which was like 3 sizes to small because I've gained much more fat than I did 6 years ago. Lets face i