The Early-Marriage Trend

Assalamualaikum and good morning people.

Entering a new year means that I'll be adding another year to my age (which is now 23!).

Yeah, some would be like; "Meh, still young laa", or "You're turning 23, not 53".
Well, for me, age is actually a BIIGGG concern.

With different age, comes different resposibilities and expectations.
The society's expectation of a 12-year old girl and a 20+-year old women wouldn't be the same right?

The main concern I have right now is MARRIAGE..

Reaction GIF: oh my god, are you kidding me?
Every single time I'm at a wedding, everyone (especially the Mak Cik's) will be like; "When are you getting married", "Why aren't you married yet", "How are you still single", and the MOST ANNOYING QUESTION (OR STATEMENT) of all would be "Maybe you're too choosy laaaa"...

Well, you can't expect me to marry the first guy I see on the sidewalk, can you?

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Anyway, the main reason I'M being pressured into being a WIFE at the age of TWENTY-THREE (WHATT!?) is because all my friends and juniors, and senior, and teachers, are getting married.

Why is this a trennddd... You're ruining single life for us singletons, dear people-in-relationships!

I want to have fun being free without having to worry whether I'll become a spinster in the next 10 years.

But you guys just had to ruin it for us, didn't you?

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Ok, fine. maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion.
I'm not actually mad to those that are getting married earlier then me.
I'm actually happy for you guys.

Image result for congratulations gif

I'm just frustrated with how the society works.

Even if all my friends are all getting married now, it doesn't mean that I'd like too to, right?

Of course I'd love to have a partner to spend my whole life with, but that doesn't mean that as I'm reaching a certain age, that should be my top priority, right?


Besides that, there's also a whole other story of why I'd prefer being single, but maybe that's for another time.

As you can see, this post is just a rant, so it means that you wouldn't be getting much out of it.

I guess, that's all I have to say for now, so till next time gais!

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Image result for self worth quote gif

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