My Top 8 Favourite Acronyms


Besides the usual WTF, OMG, ect, ect, ect, there are a few that kind of caught my eyes and they are......

1. BAE 

Meaning : Before Anyone Else
No. It's not a ghetto word for 'babe'.


Meaning : Love You Like A Brother/ Love You Like A Sister
A way to put your friends in their place... 


Meaning : Sucks To Be You
You know, when you're not sorry for them but don't wanna be rude for not leaving a comment...


Meaning : Laughing Out Loud/ Laughing My Ass Off
The ones you use when it's not funny at all..!
And you're sitting there like 'LOL'....

5. BTW

Meaning : By The Way/ Bring The Wheelchair
Did you know about the second meaning?
Me too!
Well, now you can go to the elderly shelters and be all like BTW, BTW!


Meaning : Do I Look Like I Give A Sh**
Yeah, the word is tooo long to type......


Meaning : In My Humble Opinion
A way of showing that you're a polite person when giving out your opinion.
Or maybe you're just an a**-kisser.

8. BFF

Meaning : Best Friends Forever/ Best Friend's Funeral
Who knew this acronym had two totally opposite feelings to it...?

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