Oh My God! I HAVE A2!!


Fuh.. *taking a deep, deep breath..*

I'm nervous, anxious, stressed out and SOOOO not relaxed..
Even typing out the words right now is like sucking my blood out..


Just remembered...


A freaking final exam created by dear Cambridge for their loved A-Level students which determines whether they're going to further their studies overseas or not.

When I say final, it means that THERE IS NO REPEATING PAPERS!!!

Knowing this, everyone was like..

Unlike AS, which allows us to repeat the papers that we had sadly not passed, twice (November/December and May/Jun), Cambridge had been determined to make us work REEEEEAAAAL HAAAARD to get the best results in A2 with just one chance, ONE!

I love MARA College Seremban (we call it KMS), I really do, but sometimes when I feel sooo stressed out, I just wanted the whole college to BURN DOWN so that I didn't have to go to class..

Everyone understood. EVERYONE!
Before starting our last semester in KMS, he were given a whole month break but with TONS of homework ad research that had to be done.

I'm sorry teachers. But it's the truth!

p/s : Pardon for the language, I have too much caffeine in my bloodstream right now..

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